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Shukla, Aradhana

  • Study of Subjective Well-Being as Affected by Residential Locale, Gender and Family Type a Developmental Analysis

  • Impact of Marriage Time and Employment Level on Verbal Aggression: A Developmental Study

  • Janamkundli: A Religious Tradition and a Medium of Value Sustentions

  • Women, Stress and Family:An Empirical Approach

  • Temperament and Well-Being: From Tribal Scenario

  • Experiencing School Supportiveness:Assessment of Negative Mental Health in Children

  • Well-Being:Concept, Barriers and Promotion

  • Social Support and Emotional Intelligence as Related to Loneliness among College going First Year Students

  • Promoting Mental Health:Increasing Strength in Human Life

  • Developmental Impact of Cultural Variation and Climate Supportiveness on Academic Motivation